We have seldom encountered anything as breathtaking as the caldera of the extinct volcano Hrossaborg. There is no doubt this magical space invites visitors to engage in a profound dialogue with nature, inspiring feelings of the divine.
Our goal is to create, “in the solitude of vast wastelands, the archaic experience of traveling on animal backs, culminating at bonfires in the embrace of a silent volcano.”
Program: Volcano Horsement Retreat Competition
Location: Hrossaborg, Iceland
Client: Young Architects Competitions
Assignment: ATENASTUDIO_Rossana Atena, Anna Maria Indrio, Marco Sardella, Melissa Pérez Montelongo, Megi Tafaj, Victoria Kasparova. TEAM_Paolo Calzuola, Giorgia Valentini, Gilda Tammone
Schedule: December 2024
Status: Competition
Lot Area: 1,600 smq
The Goddess’s Mark – A sacred place
Our proposal takes the form of a perfect circle, subtly embedded within the caldera. Circles have a rich history in archaeological sites worldwide, often symbolizing protection, enclosure, or spirituality. For the Vikings, circles represented a way to organize their villages.
The circle engages harmoniously with this unique space. By sinking the circle into the ground, we eliminate visible structures, preserving the caldera’s pristine beauty. The design remains a subtle mark, visible only upon approaching the entrance a hollow in the circle leading to a communal space where horses and people coexist.
This enclosed community contrasts with the open expanse of nature outside. The caldera remains untouched, but from within, visitors will see both the caldera’s walls and the vast sky, experiencing this extraordinary site collectively with other travelers. Horses will roam freely, drinking from a pond at the center. No barriers will separate animals and people in the resort’s open areas.
Excavated earth will be repurposed to enhance the roof’s edges, where both people and animals can walk.
While the surrounding landscape is wild and untouched, the community center offers a warm and restful atmosphere. Horses and visitor accommodations will be interconnected, separated only by shared facilities. Every room faces the inner space, framed by the caldera’s walls, the sky above, and views of the stables.
The retaining walls of the circle will be built with gab-ions and volcanic stone, blending seamlessly with the surroundings. Interiors will be constructed from cross-laminated timber treated with white oil—a lightweight yet robust material capable of supporting the earth and moss-covered roofs. Lava stone fireplaces will warm the communal spaces, while partition walls made of the same material will connect rooms and allow staff to manage the site efficiently.
This proposal respects the caldera’s sacredness while offering an unparalleled experience for visitors. By blending design with nature, we ensure Hrossaborg remains a timeless, silent sanctuary.
Via E.Scalfaro, 3/5
Dr. Tværgade 56
1302 Copenaghen
Dr. Tværgade 56
1302 Copenaghen
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